A . Online written test ( English : 20 ques – 20mins , Analytical Reasoning : 30 ques – 30 mins ,
Quantitative Aptitude : 20 ques – 20 mins)
B . GD ( 1 min chance , Open discussion )C . PI ( Technical , HR )
In online test many questions were repeated…in my set all 30 ques from analytical reasoning were repeated.So,my sincere advice you to go through the previous year ques set thoroughly.It will be best if u can collect the same year ques papers also.Here i have some ques go through it…..1 . P,Q,R are sisters.S is the brother of T and T is the daughter of Q.How P is related to S?
a. Aunt b. cousin c. sister d . Niece
ans : a
2. Pointing to a lady in a park Bikash said ” she is the daughter of my father’s father’s only son “How Bikash is related to the lady?
a.Brother b.Cousin c.Father d. Uncle
ans : a
select options if…
i . select A if only 1 is enough to answer the ques.
ii. select B if only 2 is enough to answer the ques.
iii . select C if 1 and 2 both are required to answer the ques.
iv . select D if cant be answered
3 . How many people are not allowed to vote in the election?
state 1 : The total number of people in the city are 20000.
state 2 : Only people of age above 20 are allowed to vote.
ans : d
4 . A student required to find the total area of the four walls of a room of height 30 units.Can he get accurate value?
state 1 : He knows that floor perimeter of the room is 108 units.
state 2 : Floor area of the room is 252 sqr units.
ans : a.
5 .What is the age of Mr. sinha if his present age is 3 times that of his son?
state 1 :15 years later his age will be 2 times his son’s.
state 2 : Mr sinha ‘s son born when his age was twice as that of his son’s present age.
ans : a
6 . Ram needs to find the time in his watch.
state 1 : The minute hand is at 5.
state 2 : Hour hand is midway between 2 and 3.
ans : c
7 . code for KINLEY is IGLJCW..so what will be code for BISLERI?
ans : b
8 . code for LANGUAGE is 31573175.code for 9524957 .so what will be code for GUARD?
a. 73194 b. 75290 c. 71284 d . 72094
ans : a
9 . If x :y = 3 :4 then what is the value of ( 4x + 3y ) / ( 3x + 4y ) ?
a. 24/25 b.25/24 c. 1 d. Data insufficient
ans : a
A factory worker placed 3 cubical bales on the floor.then he divided the 1st one into 64 small cubes,2nd one into 27 small cubes and 3rd one into 8 small cubes.Now he covered the exposed the faces with company logo.so..
1 . How many cubes have logo on three faces?
a. 0 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16
ans : b
2 . What is difference between number of cubes having logo on 2 exposed faces and 3 exposed faces?
a. 16 b. 20 c. 25 d. 32
ans : b
3. What is difference between number of cubes having logo on 1 exposed faces and 3 exposed faces?
a. 16 b. 32 c. 43 d. 50
ans : c
4 . How many cubes dont have logo on any sides?
a. 10 b. 24 c. 35 d. 55
ans : b
5 . How many cubes have logo on at least 2 side?
a. 20 b. 45 c. 28 d. 99
ans : c
PI :
me : may I come in sir?
I : yes
Me : good afternoon sir.
I : have a seat.You already know what sort of question i am asking.
me : yes sir.
I : so….tell me something about yourself.
me : told.
I : tell me about ur family background.
me : told (here never tell about your family class like : middle class,low class or high society….only tell about your parents and brothers,sisters if any)
I : tell me about your project.
me : told ( frnds this part is very important…..they mainly see this part whether u have done any project or not.so prepare for it…….if u r good enough in this then they are not gonna ask you anything about technical)
I : tell me a challenge u faced during ur project.
me : told
I : what’s ur hobby?
me : told ( it may be crucial….so select ur hobby carefully )
I : any ques for me.
me : I want to know about the training process.( then he told me that this ques has been asked by everyone….so he is not gonna ans this one this time…..so I have justified the reason for asking the ques…..so Friends be prepared to face such situations…finally he explained about the training)
I : any more ques.
me : no sir.
I : Ok,thank u …..good luck…
me : thank u sir.
From around 180 only 53 were selected in written out of which only 33 were qualified in GD and finally only 26 were selected and I was one of them.Remember their main elimination round is written So,prepare well ,be confident and try to do ur best.you will get it.Best of luck and hope see u soon in capgemini.
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